• Trabajadores de cualquier puesto en empresas de la GAM
• Personas que desean mejorar su nivel de inglés por motivos de trabajo o superación personal
• Título de noveno a bachiller.
• Cédula de Identidad.
• La duración es de 24 meses el regular y 12 meses el intensivo
• Se imparten en módulos cuatrimestrales divididos de la siguiente manera:
Inglés Conversacional On Site |
Perfil de salida según el Marco Común Europeo |
Nivel |
Unidades |
Duración |
Horas por semana |
A0 |
Starter |
6 |
4 meses |
3 |
A1 |
Elementary |
6 |
4 meses |
3 |
A2 |
Pre-intermediate |
6 |
4 meses |
3 |
B1 |
Intermediate |
6 |
4 meses |
3 |
B2 |
Upper-intermediate |
10 |
4 meses |
3 |
C1 |
Advanced |
10 |
4 meses |
3 |
Al terminar el curso completo de nuestra carrera “Técnico en Inglés Conversacional y Servicio al Cliente”, los estudiantes además de tener un amplio conocimiento de las cuatro habiidades del idioma inglés-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing- para comunicarse efectiva y eficazmente sólo en su lugar de trabajo sino también en cualquier contexto social o académico; contarán con habilidades blandas que les permita desenvolverse exitosamente en cualquier contexto social, laboral o cultural donde se encuentren. Es decir; nuestra formación va más allá de la capacitación en el idioma inglés, tomando en cuenta la formación integral para que nuestros egresados sean trabajadores y ciudadanos exitosos. Además, nuestros egresados obtendrán conocimientos sobre el desarrollo sostenible, ya que para nosotros una ciudadanía en harmonía con el medio ambiente es también prioritario. Aunado a esto, los estudiantes Egresados de nuestro curso desarrollan de manera trasversal en todos los cursos el pensamiento crítico y el análisis de problemas, siendo estos pilares fundamentales para el desarrollo profesional del individuo.
Finalmente, nuestros egresados contaran con valores éticos y profesionales tales como el liderazgo, trabajo en equipo, empatía, honestidad, solidaridad, disciplina y decoro; que les permita adaptarse exitosamente a su ambiente laboral y les permita eventualmente seguir mejorando su carrera profesional.
• Cumplir y aprobar el plan de estudios que se presenta más adelante
• Estar al día con los pagos de las mensualidades
Estructura del programa de estudio
El programa de estudio English On Site para inglés empresarial se estructura con base en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas Vivas (CEFR, por su siglas en inglés) y consta de seis niveles, a saber:
0) Introductorio (Starter / A0),
1) Principiante (Elementary / A1),
2) Pre-intermedio (Pre-Intermediate / A2),
3) Intermedio (Intermediate / B1),
4) Intermedio alto (Upper Intermediate / B2),
5) Avanzado (Advanced / C1)
De esta forma, no sólo buscamos promover la evolución progresiva entre niveles sino que, al plantearlo con los estándares del CEFR, nos aseguramos también de que nuestros estudiantes adquieran destrezas que pueden ser verificadas tanto a nivel de nuestras evaluaciones internas como en pruebas estandarizadas de uso internacional como el Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), cuya preparación también ofrecemos dentro de nuestra oferta académica.
A continuación se describen brevemente cada uno de los seis niveles de nuestro programa de inglés empresarial English On Site:
Nivel introductorio – y, por tanto, optativo para quienes ya hayan tenido exposición y/o estudio del idioma- cuyos contenidos abarcan las funciones de identificación y descripción a nivel básico y la familiarización con los sonidos elementales del inglés y con las principales estructuras generativas de la gramática inglesa. Todos los contenidos se aplican siempre al contexto empresarial.
Nivel principiante que busca que el estudiante sea capaz de comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy frecuente, así como, frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato. Al finalizar este nivel, el estudiante puede presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce. Asimismo, puede relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable despacio y con claridad y esté dispuesto a cooperar. Todos los contenidos se aplican siempre al contexto empresarial.
Nivel pre-intermedio donde el estudiante ya logra comprender frases y expresiones de uso frecuente relacionadas con áreas de experiencia que le son especialmente relevantes (información básica sobre sí mismo y su familia, compras, lugares de interés, ocupaciones, etc.). A la vez, sabe comunicarse para llevar a cabo tareas simples y cotidianas que no requieran más que intercambios sencillos y directos de información sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas o habituales. Comienza también el desarrollo de la función de narración pues el estudiante sabe describir en términos sencillos aspectos de su pasado y su entorno, así como cuestiones relacionadas con sus necesidades inmediatas.
En este módulo el estudiante será capaz de comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas, ya sea en situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio. También adquirirán destrezas para desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por zonas donde se utiliza la lengua. En este punto, el estudiante ya producirá textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas que le son familiares o en los que tiene un interés personal por lo que podrá describir experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y aspiraciones, así como justificar brevemente sus opiniones o explicar sus planes.
En el nivel intermedio alto, el estudiante entiende las ideas principales de textos complejos que traten de temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carácter técnico, siempre que estén dentro de su campo de especialización. El estudiante ya puede también relacionarse con hablantes nativos con un grado suficiente de fluidez y naturalidad, de modo que la comunicación se realice sin esfuerzo por parte de los interlocutores. Asimismo, produce textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos, así como defender un punto de vista sobre temas generales, indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.
El nivel avanzado, como su nombre lo indica, representa una etapa de perfeccionamiento en la que el estudiante es capaz de comprender una amplia variedad de textos extensos y con cierto nivel de exigencia, así como de reconocer en ellos tanto los sentidos implícitos como los explícitos. Como respuesta, el estudiante sabe expresarse de forma fluida y espontánea sin muestras muy evidentes de esfuerzo para encontrar la expresión adecuada por lo que puede hacer un uso flexible y efectivo del idioma para fines sociales, académicos y profesionales. Además, en este nivel el estudiante puede producir textos claros, bien estructurados y detallados sobre temas de cierta complejidad, mostrando un uso correcto de los mecanismos de organización, articulación y cohesión del texto.
Sistema de evaluación
La aprobación de los niveles requiere tanto de asistencia y desempeño en clase como de la aprobación de un examen final y de la presentación de un proyecto de final en cada módulo.
En el caso del examen, este incluirá las cuatro macrodestrezas lingüísticas, a saber:
- Comprensión escrita (Reading),
- Comprensión oral (Listening),
- Producción escrita (Writing) y
- Producción oral (Speaking)
Asimismo, dentro de cada macrodestreza, la prueba contempla también en sus criterios la evaluación de las tres microdestrezas lingüísticas:
- Vocabulario (Vocabulary),
- Pronunciación (Pronunciation) y
- Gramática (Grammar).
En cuanto al proyecto final, este deberá ser acordado con el docente del curso y en todo caso versará sobre un tema desarrollado en las unidades de estudio (por ejemplo, imagen corporativa, cultura organizacional, clima laboral, networking, etc.).
Goals and objectives
Ø Students will build a sense of community through cooperation, interaction, joy and fun.
a) Students will be able to engage with their classmates in pairs or groups on language focused tasks, role-plays, dialogues, interviews and presentations.
b) Students will be involved in fun warm-up activities focused on language practice as well as community building in every class.
c) Students will be able to create the rules of the classroom, which will set the norms of behavior with their peers in and outside the classroom.
d) Students will be able to collaborate to come up with a final group project in each level, in which they will have to communicate with their peers as well as the teacher in order to check their progress regularly.
Ø Students will acquire profound communication skills that allow them to construct the English language knowledge throughout every level.
a) Students will be able to use the through evolvement in different tasks that allow them to develop the four skills.
b) Students will be able to talk about themselves and somebody else using written and oral language.
c) Students will understand written and oral texts in which spoken language is used.
d) Students will be able to practice the language through different communicative meaningful tasks.
Ø Students will become aware of their own learning process and of the importance of extra-class practice as well as what helps them better to practice the language outside the classroom.
a) Students will be able to work on some activities such as homework which will be checked weekly and which will be handed in to the teacher at the end of the course.
b) Students will be able to practice outside the classroom through different resources such as books and websites.
c) Students will be able to create a portfolio in which they will show evidence of their practice at home or with their classmates outside the classroom.
d) Students will be participating in weekly feedback sessions in which they will express their feeling towards the language and their learning process.
e) Students will keep a guided journal in which they will evaluate their own learning process regularly.
Ø Students will be aware of the metalanguage and will build relationships among the elements studied.
a) Students will be exposed to metalanguage in different ways, which include used and recycled by the teacher, peripherals (posters) and the textbook.
b) Students will get familiar with the terms to describe the language through different tasks in which the metalanguage is used by students as well as the teacher.
c) Students will engage in different grammaring activities which will provide them with the opportunity to focus on form, meaning and use.
Ø Students will develop a positive attitude (motivation) towards the learning process while at the same time becoming more confident about using the target language.
a) Students will be involved in a fun warm-up activity every class focused on language practice as well as community building.
b) Students will practice the English language through non-traditional approaches such as Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia, Silent Way and Task –based approach.
c) Students will be able to not only use the language to talk about topics that interests them and that are relevant to them in their environment such as themselves, their likes and dislikes, their family, their community; but also to give customer support at their workplace.
d) Students will engage in different communicative meaningful tasks in order to practice the language.
This course is a matrix organized course in which specific content will be covered according to specific topics to give students the communicative skills of the English language. The course will focus on developing the four skills speaking, reading, writing and listening, with special emphasis on the oral skill. Something relevant about the course is that, even though it is a language course and its emphasis is on language learning, many of the activities will be focused on strengthening the classroom community and motivation among students.
The way it is put together is based on the principle of building and recycling. In other words, each content unit will lead to more complex topics, but the content learned will be reutilized in every class. The warm-up activity in every class will provide students with the opportunity to focus on meaning and use of the language. On the other hand, a variety of assessment activities (ongoing, self, formative and summative) throughout the course will help students to become aware of responsible for their own learning process, and, at the same time, will provide the teacher with useful information to make decisions on the lesson planning.
It is an eighteen-month program which students will attend for 15 hours a week. The program is divided into quarters and will unfold in this way:
Culture and soft skills |
Module (monthly) |
Lessons |
Language Content
Topics |
1.My name is Hannah, not Anna |
1a 1b 1c 2a 2b |
· Verb be (+)(-)(?) · Possessive adjectives · Definite and indefinite articles · Plurals · Adjectives
· Days of the week · Numbers form 1-100 · The alphabet · The world · Classroom language · Things · Colors, adjectives and modifiers · Sentence stress · Long and short vowel sounds · Introducing people
2. A writer´s room |
2c 3a 3b 3c 4a |
· Imperatives, let´s · Simple present (+)(-)(?) · Question words · Possessive ’s(Saxon Genitive)
· Feelings · Connected speech · Verb phrases · Third person –s · Jobs · Schwa sound · Question words · Sentence stress · Family
3. What a life! |
4b 4c 5a 5b |
· Prepositions of time/place · Adverbs of frequency · Present continuous · Abilities/capabilities
· Everyday activities · Linking and sentence stress · Adverbs and expressions of frequency · The letter h · Verb phrases · Sentence stress
4.Sun and the City |
5c 6a 6b 6c |
· Simple present/present continuous · Object pronouns · Verb like · Be or do? · Final test (oral and written) |
· The weather and seasons · Places in New York City · Consonant clusters · Saying the date · Diphthongs · Reading in English · Music · Ordinal numbers · Phone language
Culture and soft skills |
Module (monthly) |
Lessons |
Language Content |
Topics |
1.A night to remember
7a 7b 7c 8a |
· Simple past regular verbs · Simple past irregular verbs · Simple past verb “be” · Simple past review
· Word formation · Past time expressions · Go, have, get · Sentence stress · -ed endings · Verbs · |
2. A house with a story |
8b 8c 9a 9b
· There is /are · There was/were · Countable/uncountable nouns · Quantifiers
· The house · Sentence stress · Prepositions: place and movement · Silent letters · Food and food containers · High numbers · Fricative sounds |
3.Quiz night |
9c 10a 10b 10c |
· Comparative adjectives · Superlative adjectives · Going to
· Places and buildings · Vacations · Verb phrases · Consonant groups · Sentence stress · Vowel sounds
4.First impressions |
11a 11b 11c 12a 12b 12c
· Verbs+infinitives · Adverbs(manner and modifiers) · Articles · Present perfect · Present perfect or simple past? · Question formation
· Common adverbs · Verbs that take the infinitive · The internet · Word stress · Sentence stress · Irregular past participles · Word groups |
Pre-intermediate (A2) |
Culture and soft skills |
Module(monthly) |
Lessons |
Language Content |
Topics |
1. Where are you from? |
1a 1b 1c 2a 2b |
· Word order in questions · Simple present · Present continuous · Simple past · Past continuous
· Common verb phrases, spelling and numbers · Describing people: appearance and personality · Clothes · Prepositions of time and place · Vowel sounds · The alphabet · Regular verbs –ed endings · Sentence stress
2. Plans and dreams |
2c 3a 3b 3c 4a
· Time sequencers and connectors · Going to · Present continuous (future arrangements) · Defining relative clauses · Present perfect + yet and already
· Word stress · Airports · Verbs + prepositions · Expressions for paraphrasing · Housework: make or do · Fast speech · Sounding friendly · Pronunciation in a dictionary |
3.Fashion and shopping |
4b 4c 5a 5b
· Present perfect vs simple past · Relative pronouns · Comparative adjectives and adverbs · Superlatives · Ever + present perfect
· Shopping · Adjective endings –ed and –ing · Time expressions · Describing a town and city · Word and sentence stress · Vowel sounds |
4. I will never forget you |
5c 6a 6b 6c |
· Quantifiers · Will/won´t (predictions) · Will/won´t (promises) · adjectives + prepositions · Verb tense review
· Health and the body · Vowel sounds · Opposite verbs · Verb + back · Adjective + preposition · Two-syllable verbs |
Intermediate (B1) |
Culture and soft skills |
Modules |
Lessons |
Language Content |
Topics |
1.Being happy |
7a 7b 7c 8a 8b
· Infinitives · Gerunds · Have to and must · Can/can´t · Should · First conditional
· Uses of get · Verbs + infinitive · Verbs + gerund · Modifiers · Weak form of the preposition to · Linking · Sentence stress · Tense and lax u and i · Confusing verbs |
2. What would you do? |
8c 9a 9b 9c
· Possessive pronouns · Second conditional · Present perfect ( for and since) · Present perfect vs simple past
· Adverbs of manner · Sentence rhythm · Animals · Phobias and words related to fear · Biographies · Word stress · Sentence stress |
3.The mothers of invention |
10a 10b 10c 11a
· Passive voice · Used to · Might · Expressing movement
· Verbs · School subjects · Word building: noun formation · Diphthongs · Sentence stress · Sports |
4. Are you a morning person? |
11b 11c 12a 12b 12c Review
· Word order and phrasal verbs · So /neither + auxiliaries · Past perfect · Reported speech · Subject questions
· Phrasal verbs · Similarities · Linking · Sentence stress · Say or tell? · Verb phrases · Contractions · Double consonants · Th sound |
Upper-intermediate (B2) |
Culture and soft skills |
Module |
Lessons |
Language Content |
Topics |
1.Family life |
1a 1b 2a 2b 3a |
· Simple Present and Continuous/action & nonaction verbs · Future forms (will, going to) · Present Perfect and Simple Past · Present Perfect (for, since) · Present Perfect Continuous · Comparatives and Superlatives
· Food and cooking · Vowel sounds · Family, adjectives of personality · Sentence stress, word stress and adjective endings · Money · Strong adjectives · Transportation · Consonant sounds · Linking |
2.Failure and success |
3b 4a 4b 5a 5b |
· Articles( a/an/the) · Can/could/be able to · Modals of Obligation(Must, have to, should) · Should have · Past tenses: simple, continuous and perfect · Used to and usually |
· Collocations: verbs/adjectives + prepositions · Sentence stress · -ed and –ing adjectives · Phone language · Business communication skills: socializing. introductions · Sports · Relationships · Silent consonants · linking |
3. What is the right job for you? |
6a 6b 7a 7b 8a |
· Passive Voice · Modals of Deduction(might, can´t, must · First Conditional · Second Conditional · Reported Speech · Gerunds & Infinitives
· Movies · The body · Sentence stress · Diphthongs · Education · Housing · Shopping · Making nouns from verbs
4.Lucky encounters |
8b 9a 9b 10a 10b
· Third Conditional · Quantifiers · Relative Clauses: defining and nondefining · Tag Questions
· Work · Word stress · Making adjectives and adverbs · Electronic devices · Phrasal verbs · Sentence stress · Linking · Compound nouns · Crime · Intonation in tag questions |
Culture and soft skills |
Module |
Lessons |
Language Content |
Topics |
Practical English |
1.Questions and answers |
1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b
· Question formation · Auxiliary verbs · Present perfect simple and continuous · Adjective order · Narrative tenses · Such…that · So · Adverbial phrases
· Figuring out meaning from context · Compound adjectives, modifiers · Friendly intonation, showing interest · Sentence rhythm · Illnesses and injuries · Clothes and fashion · Word stress · Vowel sounds · Air travel · Adverbs and adverbial phrasal · Regular and irregular past forms |
Services and systems 1. Working with words: service convenient, user-friendly 2. Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining how something works 3. Practically speaking: how to introduce information Customers 1. Working with words: customer service. Expectations. 2. Business communication skills: exchanging information. Getting information. 3. Practically speaking: starting a conversation on the phone. Guests and visitors 1. Working with words: business travel. 2. Business communication skills: Socializing. Welcoming visitors. 3. Practically speaking: how to make and respond to offers 4. Language at work: obligation, necessity and prohibition |
2. Eco-guilt |
4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b |
· Future perfect · Future continuous · Conditionals · Time clauses · Unreal conditionals · Structures after wish · Gerunds and infinitives · Used to, get used to and be used to · |
· The environment, the weather · Expressions with take · Vowel sounds · Sentence stress and rhythm · Feelings · Word stress with 3 or 4 syllable adjectives · Music · Sleep · Words that come from other languages · Linking |
Security 1. Working with words: security at work. 2. Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining and asking about changes. 3. Practically speaking: How to introduce and respond to news. Working together 1. Working with words: teamwork and partnerships. 2. Business communication skills: Meetings. Presenting and discussing plans. 3. Practically speaking: how to encourage people. Logistics 1. Working with words: Logistics and supply chains. 2. Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Placing and handling orders. 3. Practically speaking: how to leave a voicemail message.
3.Breaking news |
7a 7b 8a 8b
· Past modals: must, might, may, should, can’t, couldn’t + have,etc. · Verbs of the sentences · The passive(all forms) · Reporting verbs |
· Verbs often confused · The body · Weak form of have · Silent letters · Crime and punishment · The media · Word stress |
Facilities 1. Working with words: describing a place of work. 2. Business communication skills: meetings. Making suggestions and recommendations. 3. Practically speaking: How to link ideas. Decisions 1. Working with words: decision-making put forward an idea. 2. Business communication skills: meetings. Participating in a discussion. 3. Practically speaking: how to be persuasive. Innovation 1. Working with words: innovation and new ideas. 2. Business communication skills: presenting. Giving a formal presentation. 3. Practically speaking: how to respond to difficult questions. Breakdown 1. Working with words: breakdowns and faults. 2. Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Discussing problems. 3. Practically speaking: How to check someone understands. 4. Language at work: advice and recommendation.
4.The dark side of the moon |
9a 9b 10a 10b |
· Clauses of contrast and purpose · Uncountable and plural nouns · Quantifiers · Articles
· Advertising · Business · Language at work · Business · Meetings. Updating and delegating tasks. · Speed networking. · Word building: prefixes and suffixes · Science · Collocation: word pairs · Stress in word families · Pausing and sentence stress
Processes 1. Working with words: processes, basic procedure. 2. Business communication skills: socializing. Planning future contact. 3. Practically speaking: how to get someone's attention. Performance 1. Working with words: personal qualities. 2. Business communication skills: meetings. Appraising performance and setting objectives. 3. Practically speaking: how to give feedback. Success 1. Working with words: fact-finding and achievement. 2. Business communication skills: meetings. Reporting back. 3. Practically speaking: how to generalize |
Key Language Skills:
· Speaking, Listening, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Reading & Writing
Applied Learning:
· Students practice conversation and speaking skills using practical, real-world English. They learn to write with accuracy and effectiveness, develop strategic listening skills and improve their use of grammar.
Skill Enhancement Classes:
· Allow students to customize the program to suit their individual interests. Sample classes: Idioms, Film, Current Events, and Culture.
Students and teachers use the AMERICAN ENGLISH FILE BOOK SERIES by Oxford University as a way to guide the learning process and do extra-practice at home. The contents of the books will be completed throughout each level, and students will use the work book in order to do their homework. In the advanced level, students will also use Professional English in Use by Cambridge University in order to improve their customer service skills.
Other Resources
In our oxford learn platform students work on their individual language skills and objectives through technology-supported learning. With this platform students will have the chance to work on those aspects of your English skills which require the most attention, such as vocabulary development, reading and listening comprehension, and pronunciation.